pslc_smartI highly doubt a new porn girl has taken advantage of veteran porn girl’s blogs, although just incase there are some extra credit seekers out there welcome to a page developed to make you a better porn star. This blog will help the brand new starlet and guide her through her first, and toughest year in this industry; that is, besides her last. Unfortunately I cannot help you there as I am still riding the ‘fucking for money’ train.

  1. Ensure that you are happy with your choice to display your genitalia on the internet.
  2. Choose the right agent. (warning: this take effort on research on your part. Don’t sprain a finger.)
  3. DON’T DATE MALE TALENT/directors/agents/photographers . (do it, and I guarantee it will be absolutely regretful.)
  4. Don’t sell yourself short, or too much too soon. (High five for the gang bang interracial anal first scene, but there’s no longevity in your career now.)
  5. Never live with adult talent, or loan money.
  6. Don’t start twitter fights, if you are accustom to doing this…WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU.
  7. SAVE YOUR MONEY! Come on, I know you’re not in the industry for a boost of confidence.
  8. Have a plan. This lifestyle and income does not last forever.
  9. Take care of yourself. There’s a million out there hoping you fail and one bad day can turn into people saying you’re a drug addict…which brings me to my next tip:
  10. GROW A THICK SKIN. Hated high school mentality? Well too fucking bad welcome to your first year of Porn School.

Ash Hollywood

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